This section is in constant development.  Visit here often to see how it changes as new material is added.  And let us know what sort of topics you would like to know more about, so that we can cover them.

For speakers looking for subjects to cover, these articles - all of which have been published in Spiritualist media - provide reliable and interesting source material for their platform work.  They can also be converted into pamphlets to help your church attenders to absorb the culture of Spiritualism - an important factor in visitor retention.  Click here to find out how.

Items marked * are in preparation.

Church Growth and Management section (click here)

A Bunch of Tens

10 Things you should know about Spiritualism (Click>>)

10 Things you should know about Mediumship (Click>>)

10 Things you should know about Life after Death*

10 Things you should know about our History*

10 Heroes and Sheroes of Spiritualism*

Mediumship and Evidence

Sir William Crookes - the Scientist photographed

arm in arm with a materialised spirit  (Click>>)

The Grandfather who still cared (Click>>)

Why Mediums Struggle with names (Click>>)

The Physicist who embraced Spiritualism (Click>>)

Guide-0logy (Click>>)


The Seven Principles of Spiritualism*

The ‘Bible’ of Spiritualism*

The Six Hundred Year Itch*


The Hydesville Rappings (Click>>)

Emma Hardinge Britten - Mother of Spiritualism (Click>>

Mediumship in the Early Church (Click>>)

Swedenborg - the first Medium of the Modern Era (Click>>)

Andrew Jackson Davis - Spiritualism’s ‘John the Baptist’*


Healing, the Spiritualist Way*


Namings, Weddings, Civil Partnerships, Blessings and Funerals.*

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