How to make a pamphlet from
website articles
by Geoff Griffiths
Any of the articles on this website can be made into a pamphlet. Not all your congregation members will have a computer and you need to make your information accessible to all those you seek to attract and retain. And even if they have a PC, they may not consult it as often as you might wish. There is a universal delusion among church website owners that all their members are constantly logging into their website. Not so when they have lots of sites calling for their attention - and yours is only one.
Of course, your website is not only to attract the general public to your church, but it can also be a great educational tool. One of the things that bonds a community together is the knowledge they share. The information you give them can be disseminated via your website and your pamphlets. (Always reinforce your message through all your media!)
Print your pamphlets on different pastel-tinted (blue, green, pinkand yellow) paper so they attract attention. And put them in a place where people can linger, not next to the hymn books, which they tend to be rushed past on exit.
Another important plus for a pamphlet over the website is that they give you a good reason to approach newcomers, once they are comfortably seated, and hand a pamphlet to them. You cannot do that with a PC!
These pamphlets and the stories they contain constitute the ‘culture’ of Spiritualism and take the newcomer beyond the surface we offer on a single Sunday visit. An important factor in setting up that second and subsequent visits.
Ensure you include the name of the author and the publication in which it was first published. This gives greater exposure to both and helps introduce our Spiritualist periodicals to people - and important factor in sustaining a flourishing movement and a knowledgeable membership. And don’t forget to add your church website as a footer at the bottom of each page!
So, let’s start here:
1. Open the appropriate web page.
2. Click anywhere on the body text and, whilst holding down the Control (Ctrl) key, hit A and then C key. Release the Control key. (This will copy the text for you.)
3. Open a blank page in your word processor. Press Control-V, which will paste in the article.
4. Whilst the pasted text is still highlighted, ensure it is in ‘14’ pitch. (Home tab in the ‘Font’ section.) This will be reduced when it is printed into an A5 pamphlet from your A4 copy, but will still be easily readable.
5. Unless it is an uncommonly long article, it should fit into four pages. Either way, on the ‘Page Layout’ tab, Page Setup, set Margins as Narrow.
6. Click on Insert tab and, in the Header and Footer section, click Footer. Select Facet (Even pages) and Facet (Odd pages) and type your church’s name on the even pages and the website address in the odd pages. (This reinforces your church’s branding and ensures they can explore the other articles and events shown on your website from home.)
7. Return to the top of the article and add the title and author. The size of the title text can be manipulated, dependent on how such space you have. Similarly, photos can be re-sized by highlighting them and moving the handle in the right-hand bottom corner.
8. If space is a problem, e.g. the Swedenborg article, make it an 8-page pamphlet, rather than reduce the text to a size which makes reading a chore. Paper isn’t that expensive.
9. Print, using a duplex printer (one that prints both sides). In the printer dialogue, opt for ‘Booklet’ printing format. Keep all other options as for an A4 print. The printer will do all the clever stuff and print out the pages for you to fold into an A5 booklet.
Roll off as many copies as you need, preferably onto 100gsm pastel shades for a quality and more durable product.
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